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Mathgenerator is a python package that generates a wide variety of math problems with customizable results. I promoted the project and have had 64 other people make contributions to it. Through this project, I learned how to make and maintain a large-scale codebase. I learned about testing through Github Actions and managing issues and pull requests on Github.


Ghlog is a command line tool to write log, journals, or notes to a github repo from your command line. Learned how to design a command line interface and work with APIs. is the website that I created to host mathgenerator and eventually, use machine learning to create, sort, and teach math problems. With this I created a Postgresql database to store math problems in. The database currently has about 1.5 million problems, almost entirely generated with mathgenerator. Learned a ton through this project including: web hosting and server deployment, databases, Flask(python web framework), front end development.


A command line tool and python package that can take in a video recording of a slideshow and produce a pdf of the slides presented. Inspired by watching code conference presentations on Youtube that were just people reading information off of slides and wanting the slides rather than just a video. Built an accopanying website where users can upload their videos and download the resulting slides. Learned image processing and Pillow.


A website I built with a couple of friends at Hyland Hackathon 2020. Social media type site focused on saving the earth. Didn’t know how to write and deploy a website before this so I learned Flask and the basics of web development the week before.

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